Turn Your Current Job into a Remote Position

The first option to consider is the one that involves the least amount of change, taking your current in-office job and turning it into a remote position. And research and reflection are the first steps to transitioning your current position from an office job to remote work at home. Learn everything there is to know about your company’s remote policies then think about how these might (or might not) be applied to your job. If you think you have a good case, the next step is to write a remote-work proposal for your boss. Anticipate what your boss might say and formulate effective, clear responses to those scenarios. Also, be prepared to get a “no” or “maybe” when you pitch you’re remote-work idea to your boss. If that’s, the case here are a few tips: If they say “maybe,” ask them what their concerns are. They may fear that other employees will want to go remote if you do. If that’s the case, let your boss know the specific circumstances (e.g. your position doesn’t require face-to-face interaction) that make your situation unique. If your boss says “no,” ask them if that’s negotiable. Pitch working from home only part of the time. Request a probationary period where you work from home a couple of days a week. Seeing your plan in action—and how you remain productive at home—may be the evidence your boss needs to change their mind.

Find a New Work-From-Home Job

So if it seems that turning your current job into a remote one is a long shot, the next best way to start working from home is to find a new job. If you switch jobs within your field, you will likely make more money than if you try something different. However, if your career area just doesn’t offer a lot of remote opportunities, you may need to strike out into something new.

Start Your Own Home Business

A home business has many advantages. It can take many forms–everything from hanging out a shingle as a consultant in work you already do (AKA freelancing) to starting a new business from scratch to purchasing an existing business or franchise to working in direct sales, selling to friends and family. Each of these options will have different start-up costs, time commitments, and payoffs. Whichever option you choose, consider writing a business plan. There are two main types: traditional or lean. A lean business plan isn’t as in-depth as a traditional plan; it includes summaries and focuses on the most important parts of your business. In general, they’re one page long and include the following sections:

Key partnershipsKey activitiesKey resourcesValue propositionCustomer relationshipsCustomer segmentsChannelsCost structureRevenue streams

Take on a Side Gig

Freelance marketplaces like Upwork and Fiverr make it possible for you to work remotely before or after you go to your in-office job. Typically, you can apply to jobs that offer a fixed payment for a one-time job and those that provide hourly work and consistent hours every week or day. Take some time to look over your weekly schedule. When do you have time to take on extra work? While it may be tempting to say “yes” to every job you’re offered, try to balance your side gigs, regular job, and free time.