When writing an academic CV, make sure you know what sections to include and how to structure your document.

Tips for Writing an Academic CV

Think about length. Unlike resumes (and even some other CVs), academic CVs can be any length. This is because you need to include all of your relevant publications, conferences, fellowships, etc. Of course, if you are applying to a particular job, check to see if the job listing includes any information on a page limit for your CV. Think about structure. More important than length is structure. When writing your CV, place the most important information at the top. Often, this will include your education, employment history, and publications. You may also consider adding a personal statement to make your CV stand out. Within each section, list your experiences in reverse chronological order. Consider your audience. Like a resume, be sure to tailor your CV to your audience. For example, think carefully about the university or department you are applying to work at. Has this department traditionally valued publication over teaching when it makes tenure and promotion decisions? If so, you should describe your publications before listing your teaching experience. If, however, you are applying to, say, a community college that prides itself on the quality of its instruction, your teaching accomplishments should have pride of place. In this case, the teaching section (in reverse chronological order) should proceed your publications section. Talk to someone in your field. Ask someone in your field for feedback on how to structure your CV. Every academic department expects slightly different things from a CV. Talk to successful people in your field or department, and ask if anyone is willing to share a sample CV with you. This will help you craft a CV that will impress people in your field. Make it easy to read. Keep your CV uncluttered by including ample margins (about 1 inch on all sides) and space between each section. You might also include bullet points in some sections (such as when listing the courses you taught at each university) to make your CV easy to read. By making your CV clear and easy to follow, you increase the chances that an employer will look at it carefully. Be consistent. Be consistent with whatever format you choose. For example, if you bold one section title, bold all section titles. Consistency will make it easy for people to read and follow along with your CV. Carefully edit. You want your CV to show that you are professional and polished. Therefore, your document should be error-free. Read through your CV and proofread it for any spelling or grammar errors. Ask a friend or family member to look it over as well.

Academic Curriculum Vitae Format

This CV format will give you a sense of what you might include in your academic CV. When writing your own curriculum vitae, tailor your sections (and the order of those sections) to your field, and to the job that you want. CONTACT INFORMATIONNameAddressCity,State Zip CodeTelephoneCellPhoneEmail SUMMARY STATEMENTThis is an optional section. In it, include a brief list of the highlights of your candidacy. EDUCATIONList your academic background, including undergraduate and graduate institutions attended. For each degree, list the institution, location, degree, and date of graduation. If applicable, include your dissertation or thesis title, and your advisors. EMPLOYMENT HISTORYList your employment history in reverse chronological order, including position details and dates. You might break this into multiple sections based on your field. For example, you might have a section called “Teaching Experience” and another section called “Administrative Experience.” POSTDOCTORAL TRAININGList your postdoctoral, research, and/or clinical experiences, if applicable. FELLOWSHIPS / GRANTSList internships and fellowships, including organization, title, and dates. Also include any grants you have been given. Depending on your field, you might include the amount of money awarded for each grant. HONORS / AWARDSInclude any awards you have received that are related to your work. CONFERENCES / TALKSList any presentations (including poster presentations) or invited talks that you have given. Also list any conferences or panels that you have organized. SERVICEInclude any service you have done for your department, such as serving as an advisor to students, acting as chair of a department, or providing any other administrative assistance. LICENSES / CERTIFICATIONList type of license, certification, or accreditation, and date received. PUBLICATIONS / BOOKSInclude any publications, including books, book chapters, articles, book reviews, and more. Include all of the information about each publication, including the title, journal title, date of publication, and (if applicable) page numbers. PROFESSIONAL AFFILIATIONSList any professional organizations that you belong to. Mention if you hold a position on the board of any organization. SKILLS / INTERESTSThis is an optional section that you can use to show a bit more about who you are. Only include relevant skills and interests. For example, you might mention if you speak a foreign language, or have experience with web design. REFERENCESDepending on your field, you might include a list of your references at the end of your CV.

Academic Curriculum Vitae Example

This is an example of an academic curriculum vitae. Download the academic CV template (compatible with Google Docs and Word Online) or see below for more examples.

More CV Examples and Templates

CV Formatting Guidelines With Examples CV Samples, Templates, and Writing Tips Free Microsoft Word CV Templates

EDUCATION:Ph.D., Psychology, University of Minnesota, 2019Concentrations: Psychology, Community Psychology Dissertation: A Study of Learning-Disabled Children in a Low-Income Community  Dissertation Advisors: Susan Hanford, Ph.D., Bill Andersen, Ph.D., Melissa Chambers, MSW M.A., Psychology, University at Albany, 2017Concentrations: Psychology, Special EducationThesis: Communication Skills of Learning-Disabled ChildrenThesis Advisor: Jennifer Atkins, Ph.D.  B.A, Psychology, California State University-Long Beach, 2015 TEACHING EXPERIENCE: Instructor, University of Minnesota, 2017-2019University of MinnesotaCourses: Psychology in the Classroom, Adolescent Psychology Teaching Assistant, University at Albany, 2015-2017Courses: Special Education, Learning Disabilities, Introduction to Psychology RESEARCH EXPERIENCE: Postdoctoral Fellow, XYZ Hospital, 2019-2020Administered extensive neuropsychological and psychodiagnostic assessment for children ages 3-6 for study on impact of in-class technology on children with various neurodevelopmental conditions PUBLICATIONS: North, T., and Smith, J. (Forthcoming). “Technology and Classroom Learning in a Mixed Education Space.” Journal of Adolescent Psychology, vol. 12. Willis, A., North, T., and Smith, J. (2019). “The Behavior of Learning Disabled Adolescents in the Classroom.” Journal of Educational Psychology, volume 81, 120-125. PRESENTATIONS: Smith, John (2019). “The Behavior of Learning Disabled Adolescents in the Classroom.” Paper presented at the Psychology Conference at the University of Minnesota. Smith, John (2018). “Tailoring Assignments within Inclusive Classrooms.” Paper presented at Brown Bag Series, Department of Psychology, University of Minnesota. GRANTS AND FELLOWSHIPS: Nelson G. Stevens Fellowship (XYZ Research Facility, 2019) RDB Grant (University of Minnesota Research Grant, 2018) Workshop Grant (for ASPA meeting in New York, 2017) AWARDS AND HONORS: Treldar Scholar, 2019Teaching Fellow of the Year, 2018Academic Excellence Award, 2017 PROFESSIONAL MEMBERSHIPS: Psychology Association of America National Association of Adolescent Psychology RELEVANT SKILLS:

Programming ability in C++ and PHPExtensive knowledge of SPSSX and SAS statistical programs.Fluent in German, French, and Spanish