While the data is disheartening, the fear of never being able to retire can be addressed with some pretty basic planning. That’s especially true if you’re in your 20s since time is on your side, and that time can be leveraged to build a significant retirement nest egg from even a small amount of savings. Here’s what you need to know about preparing for retirement in your 20s.

Retirement Savings in the U.S.

In a 2020 retirement confidence survey, 25% of 25- to 34-year-olds claimed to have less than $1,000 saved toward retirement. That’s a higher percentage than any other age group surveyed, but 16% of people between 45 and 54 responded that they have less than $1,000 saved, too. 

Social Security

Social Security is a significant source of retirement income for most people in the U.S. The benefit amount varies depending on your age, earnings, and tax filing status. However, for someone with a lower income, earning 45% of the average salary who plans to retire at age 65, Social Security usually replaces about half of their earnings. Benefits for a higher earner—someone who earns 160% of the average wage—replace about one-quarter of their earnings. There are concerns about the future of Social Security with the trust fund on track to run dry by 2034. However, Social Security taxes will still be enough to fund about 78% of benefits.

How Much You Need to Save for Retirement by Age

It’s helpful to view the process of retirement saving as a journey since you’ll likely have unexpected expenses and fluctuations in income over the years. Below is a guideline for how much should be saved for retirement by various age milestones.

Age 30: One year equivalent of your salaryAge 35: 2xs your salaryAge 40: 3xs your salaryAge 45: 4xs your salaryAge 50: 6xs your salaryAge 55: 7xs your salaryAge 60: 8xs your salaryAge 67: 10xs your salary

The 4% Rule

The 4% rule is a guideline that helps calculate how much you need to save for retirement. Under the 4% rule, you would withdraw no more than 4% of your savings each year in retirement while the remaining savings would be invested. The 4% rule can help you calculate how much in total savings is needed based on an expected annual income in retirement. For example, if you expect to need $50,000 per year to live on, you would divide $50,000 by 4%, which equals $1,250,000 ($50,000 ÷ 0.04). In other words, you would need a total of $1.25 million to safely withdraw $50,000 per year and not run out of money in retirement. These amounts do not include Social Security benefits or other sources of income. Starting early, saving each year, and investing at a young age can potentially provide a large portion of your retirement income.

Starting Early With Your Retirement Planning

If you’re in your 20s and think you won’t be able to retire, consider how much starting early can help. Below is a comparison of how much your retirement savings could be if you started saving at different ages by using the online savings calculator from Investor.gov. Let’s assume that you save $3,000 per year ($250 per month) and earn an annual return of 5% on that money in your retirement account. 

Started Saving at Age 40

If you started saving when you were 40 and saved $3,000 per year, earning 5% each year, you’d accumulate $203,848.30 by the time you turned 70. 

Started Saving at Age 30

If you started saving at age 30, your total retirement savings would be $370,638.19 by age 70.

Started Saving at Age 20

Starting when you’re 20 increases your savings at age 70 to $642,321.44—over three times the amount you’d have if you waited until 40 to save and invest for retirement. This growth is due to compounding, which is the interest or investment gains reinvested over the years. As a result, young people have time on their side and if you start saving early, you can use the power of compounding to your advantage.

Smart Strategies for Saving for Retirement in Your 20s

Starting early is a powerful way to improve your chances for a good retirement. In addition to starting to save for retirement in your 20s, there are other strategies you can take to ensure a better retirement experience in the future. 

Open a Roth IRA

Roth IRAs are individual retirement accounts that allow you to save and invest money that can be withdrawn tax-free in retirement. Withdrawals from traditional IRAs and other retirement accounts are taxed as income, and the difference can be substantial. Anthony Watson of Thrive Retirement Specialists in Dearborn, Michigan, told The Balance that funding a Roth IRA is best early in your career when you are earning less, and being taxed less. “Take advantage of the ability to contribute to this valuable account type before it potentially gets phased out at higher earnings later,” Watson said. Combined with other retirement accounts like a 401(k) or IRA that are taxed at personal income rates when the money is withdrawn in retirement, you could craft a superior, tax-efficient withdrawal strategy.

Control Your Expenses 

In most cases, your salary will likely be lower in your 20s compared to later in your working life. Finding money to save for retirement often boils down to your ability to keep expenses low rather than securing a high-paying job. Chris Diodato, founder and lead financial planner of WELLth Financial Planning in Palm Beach Gardens, Florida, told The Balance that these tips can help keep expenses low as a young adult:

Don’t sink money into expensive cars, no matter how much you want to. Keep your utility bills in check by continuously looking for opportunities to decrease monthly expenses.  Pay your credit cards off regularly to avoid interest charges.

Take Advantage of Your 401(k)

When you are young and just starting out, it may be difficult to save a substantial amount. As your income grows, though, try to increase your savings at the same time. When it makes sense, get as close to the maximum annual contribution in your 401(k) as you can. For 2022, that’s $20,500 per year. Also, many 401(k) plans offer an employer matching program in which they contribute a percentage of your salary to your retirement account as long as you contribute too. For example, an employer might match your first 5% of contributions dollar-for-dollar, meaning as long as you contribute at least 5% per year, your employer also contributes 5% of your salary. Be sure to sign up and participate in your 401(k), if available, since the employer match is free money.

The Bottom Line

Retirement seems like a long way off when you are in your 20s. However, time is a valuable tool that you can use to eventually reach a comfortable lifestyle in retirement. By saving and investing early to take advantage of compound returns, being mindful of taxes, controlling your expenses, and increasing your savings rate over time, you can put retirement within reach.