Be sure that you keep a running balance of your account. You can do this with checking account ledger. This will come with your account or when you order checks. You can also do this with a budgeting app that allows you to enter your transactions on your phone and then balances those transactions with the bank. This should prevent most problems that you may have with the account. Even if you clear up the amount you owe other banks, you may still have a hard time opening an account with the bank. Your new bank may allow you to open up a savings account on a trial basis with demonstrated good behavior giving you the opportunity to open up a checking account in the future. Balancing your account will help you catch any issues much earlier. With online banking and budgeting apps you can balance your account to your bank almost every day in just a few minutes. This is much easier than the traditional method which may take a few hours. It can save you both time and money to do this on a regular basis. Here is a list of commonly asked questions about checking accounts:
Why Did They Put a Hold on My Checking Account? Can I Trust the Balance the Bank Has for My Checking Account? Should I Choose a Bank or Credit Union for My Checking Account/ When Should I Close My Checking Account? How Do I Close My Checking Account? Why Isn’t My Money Available at My Bank?