What Are Corporate Executive Jobs?
C-level jobs (the highest ranking roles at an organization) are the top corporate executive positions in a company. They are the leadership team of the organization. However, nearly all corporate executive jobs require leadership and recruiting skills, along with the ability to develop and implement a strategic vision to support the organization’s goals.
Top Corporate-Level Positions
With the advent of the internet and the burgeoning start-up world, new C-level positions have proliferated. Companies now hire for roles such as chief experience officer, for example, responsible for the user’s experience with the site, app, or product, and for chief privacy officer, in charge of protecting user and corporate data. Although there may be more job titles in the C-level now, the three most common positions across all industries remain the same: Chief Executive Officer (CEO): The CEO is responsible for the overall path of the company. A CEO will be praised (and likely receive additional compensation) when the company is successful, and also held responsible if there are failures or setbacks. Chief Financial Officer (CFO): The CFO oversees the company’s financials. Along with budgeting, accounting, and reporting, this role can also involve forecasting and investing. Chief Operations Officer (COO): The COO is in charge of day-to-day operations at the company, and often oversees the human resources department.
List of Corporate Executive Job Titles
Here’s a list of sample corporate-level job titles with a description of the position.
CAO (Chief Accounting Officer): Not all companies have them, but CAOs oversee all day-to-day accounting activities. Corporate accounting can be complex and CAOs make sure that accounts, financial statements, and systems for controlling costs operate smoothly. The CAO usually reports to the CEO and the board of directors. CEO (Chief Executive Officer): The CEO is the highest-level member of the C-suite, responsible for hiring (and firing) all other executives. A company flourishes or flounders based on the merits of its CEO, who is also typically the face of the company. CDO (Chief Diversity Officer): A chief diversity officer is the main architect of a company’s diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) programs. CFO (Chief Financial Officer): A CFO is the most senior executive in the finance department and runs the company’s financial functions. This may include credit, budgeting, insurance, and taxes. The CFO also oversees the treasurer and financial controller who handle daily operations. CISO (Chief Information Security Officer): A chief information security officer is a senior executive who manages and maintains a company’s vision, strategy, and program to protect its information and technologies. Duties include establishing policies related to security, overseeing compliance with regulations, and ensuring data and information privacy. CIO (Chief Information Officer): A Chief Information Officer is an executive role in charge of information technology and the computer systems needed to support a company in achieving its goals. In large businesses, a CIO will delegate management of the day-to-day IT operations to a deputy and use a team to manage specific IT areas. CMO (Chief Marketing Officer): A Chief Marketing Officer manages the development and execution of a company’s advertising and marketing, tasked with increasing sales by using research on pricing, competitive analysis, market research, marketing communications, advertising, and PR. COO (Chief Operating Officer): A Chief Operating Officer (or Chief Operations Officer) handles the day-to-day administration and operation of a business. Depending on the company’s needs, this role can vary greatly. CPO (Chief People Officer): A Chief People Officer is responsible for a company’s talent strategy and corporate-culture initiatives. CPO (Chief Procurement Officer): A Chief Procurement Officer oversees the management of the company’s acquisition programs in terms of contracting services and purchasing supplies, equipment, services, and materials. CPO (Chief Product Officer): A Chief Product Officer (or Chief Production Officer) is an alternative name for the head of product management. This executive oversees a company’s product-related activities and reports to the CEO. CSO (Chief Sustainability Officer): A Chief Sustainability Officer helps organizations ensure that business practices are economically, environmentally, and socially sustainable. CTO (Chief Technology Officer): A Chief Technology Officer oversees a company’s technology and works to ensure that technology-related decisions align with business goals.
More Corporate Job Titles
CAA (Chief Applications Architect)CAO (Chief Administrative Officer)CCO (Chief Contracting Officer)CCO (Chief Compliance Officer)CDO (Chief Data Officer)CDO (Chief Development Officer)CGO (Chief Growth Officer)CHRO (Chief Human Resources Officer)CIO (Chief Investments Officer)CITO (Chief Information Technology Officer)CRO (Chief Risk Officer)CSO (Chief Security Officer)CUO (Chief Underwriting Officer)