The costs of surety bonds range widely depending on the type of surety bond, location, the industry, risk of the bond, and the amount of coverage needed, as well as other factors. If you are a business owner, understand when surety bonds are required and how the cost can vary. That way, you know what to expect when you apply.

What Is a Surety Bond?

A surety bond guarantees the work when contractors or businesses come into agreement about specific tasks and projects through a contract. This ensures the work will either be completed or the customer who paid for the work will be compensated if obligations are not met. The surety bond consists of an agreement between three parties:

The principal: the business completing the work or obligations set in a contract and must purchase the bondThe obligee: the party that requires the bondThe surety company: the financial institution providing the bond to guarantee the principal’s obligations

These bonds are often a requirement for those working in certain industries, such as contractors in construction, public officials, and professionals who specialize in their line of work and must meet regulations to perform work.

When Do You Need a Surety Bond?

Two of the most common types of surety bonds are commercial bonds and contract bonds. Commercial bonds are required by laws and regulations for businesses in specific industries to perform their work. They include payment bonds, bid bonds, performance bonds, and fidelity bonds. Contract bonds, which are required by the government or construction projects, include license and permit bonds, and public official bonds.

Payment Bonds

Payment bonds are used to ensure third parties and contractors, such as suppliers and laborers, receive the agreed-upon pay.

Bid Bonds

Bid bonds provide a guarantee if the bidder does not enter into contract or if the bidder fails to provide a surety bond.

Performance Bonds

A performance bond is used to guarantee the obligations included within a contract, such as terms and conditions.

Fidelity Bonds

Businesses can receive protection from fraud and other related activity caused by employees through fidelity bonds, which act as an insurance policy.

License and Permits Bonds

Businesses within certain specialized industries or professional roles, such as a plumber or electrician, may require a license and permit bond to run the business due to regulations.

Public Official Bonds

Public official bonds are required for some public office holders, such as those handling public funds, to ensure their duties are performed faithfully. There are many other reasons surety bonds may be required. Other common types of surety bonds include:

Court bondsNotary bondsTax bondsPerformance bondsUtility bondsBusiness services bondsOther miscellaneous bonds

How Much Does a Surety Bond Cost?

The cost, or premium, of a surety bond ranges, depending on the type of surety bond required, your line of work, the risk involved, what the bond is intended to cover, and the credit score of the principal. Surety bond costs, also referred to as premiums or rates, also differ depending on location as the requirements are set by state and local agencies. Typically, a down payment is also required. In general, surety bond rates can cost between 1% and 15% of the amount of the bond, with some slightly lower than 1%. Rates can also be lower depending on your industry. For example, construction bonds, which include payment bonds and performance bonds, are generally lower, from 0.5% to 3%. Court bonds range from 0.5% to 1%, and some license and permit bonds can range from 1% to 5%. You may find lower rates if your business qualifies through a program. For example, payment bonds and performance bonds guaranteed by the U.S. Small Business Administration only cost 0.6% of the contract price. There may be other costs involved in the form of reimbursement if the work was not completed as agreed within the contract. If a file is claimed, the principal may be required to reimburse the surety if it is determined that the principal did not comply with the contract.

How To Get a Surety Bond

Depending on the type of bond you need, there may be different requirements to obtain the bond. There are a few general steps businesses can take when applying for a surety bond.

Understand Bond Requirements

Whether you are just starting your business or you’re considering contract projects, you’ll need to know if certain bonds are required in your industry. Agencies at the state, city, and county levels set regulations for requirements to run a business or have contracts approved, so conduct research for your specific location. Once you figure out the requirements, you can conduct research to find the right surety.

Determine Qualifications and Gather Documents

Most surety bonds focus on credit score and personal finances of the principal, so it’s important to check your credit history if you are going to apply for a surety bond. You’ll need to gather documents to provide proof of your financial standing, and may need documents to show details about the project as well.

Follow Guidelines Specific to Your Location

Regulations for surety bonds for businesses and individuals are determined by state agencies, as well as cities and counties. Each may have separate requirements, such as providing certain documentation. Follow the requirements specific to the type of bond you need as directed by your local agencies, then contact a surety to apply.

Applying for a Surety Bond

Finally, you will submit your financial documents to prove your credit worthiness and ability to meet the bond’s terms along with documents regarding the details of the project that the bond will cover. These documents will be reviewed by the financial institution. If you’re approved, the surety bond will be issued to you for your signature and the obligee’s signature.