Learn about what out-of-state medical expenses may be covered under your healthcare plan and what type of health plans you should consider if you expect to travel.

Does Your Plan Cover Medical Expenses Out of State?

In many cases, health insurance restricts you to a network of healthcare providers. Learning the terms of your health insurance policy will tell you whether your plan includes providers out of state or not. Figuring that out on your own could be tricky. You do not want to end up getting denied for a health insurance claim. The first step is to call your insurer and ask.

What Is a Health Insurance Network Provider?

Health insurance network providers are the medical service organizations. Your health plan has agreements with these groups to provide service to you. If your plan specifies a list of authorized network providers, then going “outside the network” could mean that have higher out-of-pocket costs. Your plan might also deny your claim, leaving you to pay the entire bill.

Do You Need a Travel Insurance Policy?

People do not always think about the type of health insurance they have when they are going to be out of state until it’s too late. Find out what type of plan you have, and learn about its limitations. That will help you decide whether you need a travel insurance policy.

5 Questions About Out-of-State Medical Insurance

Before you leave on your trip, contact your insurer and ask these questions:

1. Are You Covered?

Ask your insurer whether there are any local service providers at your destination that will cover you under your plan, and ask whether any states are restricted. Will the plan cover all states?

2. What Counts as an Emergency?

Your health insurance plan might cover emergencies, but not all insurers share a definition of “emergency.” A lot of people end up paying for expenses when the insurer decides that the case was not an emergency. Ask your insurer for the exact definition. It will help you decide whether you need to buy supplemental coverage, like health or medical travel insurance.

3. Is Urgent Care Covered?

Ask whether urgent care facilities are covered or only emergency rooms. You don’t want a claim denied for going to the wrong place.

4. What Is Covered Under Emergency Care?

Ask what additional coverage is included in the emergency medical care for you and your family. For instance, if you are going to a remote spot, you may want to know about services like air ambulances.

5. How Do You File a Claim?

Find out how claims payment works:

Which documents will you need?Will you have to pay in advance and request reimbursement?Find out whether there are forms for out-of-network physicians’ claims.

HMO vs. PPO Health Plans

There are different types of plans for health insurance. Learn more about HMO vs. PPO plans to decide which is better for you. For example, local HMOs might not have out-of-state coverage, but some PPO plans might provide you with care out of state. Others might not.

What Are Multi-State Health Insurance Plans?

Multi-state plans or MSP options are available through the Health Insurance Marketplace. Only some MSP plans offer coverage nationally or across different states. The term “multi-state health insurance” might lead you to believe that you would be covered in another state, but some multi-state plans restrict the coverage areas or might not cover you out of state. The network provider agreements in your plan will still apply. Look at the features of the plan before you buy. Compare them to PPOs that also offer out-of-state coverage so you can be sure the MSP is right for you.

Check Employer Benefits

If you have employee benefits plans or group health insurance, you can contact HR or your employer’s plan administrator to find out more details. They will be able to tell you what is included in your plan and how it works. Employers sometimes offer travel insurance as part of an employee benefits package. That may be the coverage you need once you compare options. It pays to ask.