Anyone can manage a self-motivated, successful employee, but managers who bring out the best in struggling workers are highly valued for their ability to create more productivity for their company.

What the Interviewer Really Wants to Know

Your interviewer wants to see your management style and get a feel for how you handle difficult interpersonal situations. This question also reveals what you define as problematic behavior. Discussing situations in which the end result was the employee’s termination does not necessarily put your skills on display. However, if you did have to terminate an employee, it’s wise to run through the process and explain how you (and the Human Resources department) determined that termination was the best course of action. 

How to Answer “How Did You Manage a Problem Employee?”

When answering this kind of question, aim to provide a specific example that emphasizes how your management style helped improve an employee’s performance. Be prepared to explain how you decided to handle the issue the way you did. In your response, show the steps you took and how you approached the situation. Also, share the end result and why it was successful. This will help interviewers get a sense of your management style.

Examples of the Best Answers

Review examples of the best answers for interview questions about dealing with challenging employees. Why It Works: This response shows how the candidate was able to successfully ramp up the pressure, making it clear to the employee that some of her behavior was unsuccessful. This answer also makes it clear that the candidate is willing to take serious steps—and involve other departments—as necessary. Why It Works: This answer points to a real success story: The turnaround is significant and very positive. The response also shows the candidate’s style. Rather than yelling or shaming the employee, the candidate helped them see the problem on their own. Why It Works: Some managers would have gone straight to a warning, but this candidate shows a willingness to engage with employees and really understand their motivations. Showing a management style is part of a good response, as is having a positive outcome.

Tips for Giving the Best Answer

Prepare in advance. Prepare for this type of question by reflecting on some of your most challenging subordinates. Take the time to write your thoughts on paper. Identify two or three cases in which you dealt with a problem employee. Reflect on what the problem was, how you worked to solve the issue, and what the result was. Use the STAR interview response technique. During the interview, use the STAR technique to answer the question. STAR stands for Situation, Task, Action, Result. In your response, first describe the situation you were in and what you had to do to respond to it. (For example, an employee was chronically late and you needed to get them to improve their behavior.) Then, describe the action you took. (For example, giving the employee a formal warning and looping in HR.) Finally, explain the outcome. Be specific. Be detailed when explaining how you dealt with a problem employee. For example, you might describe a situation in which you had to have multiple conversations with an employee and saw incremental improvement in their performance. You should briefly explain all of these steps. This kind of specificity will help the interviewer understand the situation and see the steps you took to solve the problem. Remain positive. Do not be insulting or negative when describing the employee. This will make you seem as if you look down on your employees or are not empathetic or patient. One way to avoid sounding negative is to focus on the employee’s behavior rather than the employee himself. Also, be sure to emphasize how you worked to solve the problem with the employee, which will make your answer more positive. It’s okay to mention an unmanageable employee. If you have any past experience with difficult employees who did not respond positively to your suggestions, describe how you outlined a reasonable plan for improvement, and then share how you dealt with their continued noncompliance. Typically, this involves collaborating with Human Resources and establishing a performance plan with a series of warnings if the employee does not improve. Remember, not everyone is adaptable to change. Highlight your creative thinking. You might describe a time when you coached an employee toward a shift to a job more suitable to their background, skill set, or personality. Managers who employ this strategy can often save their company from the financially and administratively taxing process involved with a firing. It’s not your job to be a psychologist, but as a manager, you are in the position of having to deal with different personalities. If you are able to address the problem head-on and take action that demonstrates change, you will be respected for choosing not to sweep the problem under the rug.

What Not to Say

Don’t bad-mouth the employee. Don’t get personal or complain about the problem employee (or behavior). Instead, clearly and professionally establish the problem. Stay away from vague responses. The best answers to this question details the situation and steps taken. Be specific! The STAR technique can help you formulate your response. Avoid debatable problematic behavior. Some employee actions are clearly problematic, such as being late or providing poor customer service. Other things may be more debatable. For instance, some companies value opinionated employees, while others might not. Make sure that you highlight problematic behavior that everyone agrees is a cause for concern.

Possible Follow-up Questions

How do you motivate your team? – Best Answers Describe your work style. – Best Answers What are the most difficult decisions you have to make? – Best Answers

Show your work. Interviewers want to see a positive outcome, but they are also interested in understanding your approach. Sharing the steps you took will help make your management style clear. Keep it positive. Be professional in your discussion of the situation rather than complaining or being negative about the employee.