While this open-ended question might seem vague, it allows you to show yourself in a positive light. In your response, you can strategically highlight how your work style is a good fit for the company at hand. Get tips on how to answer interview questions about your work style, what (and what not) to say when you respond, and review examples of the best responses.
What the Interviewer Really Wants To Know
This question helps interviewers decide whether you will fit in well with the company culture and the requirements of the job. For instance, if you require complete silence and focus to work, but the office has a bustling, collaborative atmosphere (and an open floor plan), you might not be a strong fit.
How To Answer Interview Questions About Your Work Style
When answering this question, it is important to keep the particular job in mind. Avoid clichés (like “hard worker” and “good communication skills”) and focus on specific elements of your work style that fit with the position and company. This question is far easier to answer if you do some research before the job interview. Analyze the job listing to match your qualifications with their requirements, and prepare answers that show how your work style makes you the best candidate for the job. Then, go a little further. Review the company’s website, media kit (almost always available on their site), and social media presence to learn which qualities are most valued at the organization. It’s also important to be honest, while still highlighting the positive. Don’t claim to be a perfectionist if you’re a big-picture person; instead, emphasize your vision and commitment to quality.
Examples of the Best Answers
Why It Works: This answer establishes the candidate’s preferred work style (one project at a time) while also highlighting other key workplace skills, such as flexibility and collaboration. Unless the job description specifically calls for multitasking, this response ticks off a lot of positive in-demand qualities for candidates. Why It Works: This answer gets its power from the examples provided. Hiring managers value employees who show a willingness to go the extra mile and support co-workers. Why It Works: This answer highlights the candidate’s strengths and shows a flexible nature.
Tips for Giving the Best Response
Think through your work style: Do you work fast? Enjoy collaboration? Try to do your hardest project in the early morning? Have a preferred way of engaging with your manager? These are all things you can discuss in your answer. Be brief: You can’t mention every aspect of your work style in your response, most likely, so focus on the elements that demonstrate your best qualities and fit with the job at hand. Give examples: Consider including a brief example that emphasizes your work style. For example, mention a time when your efficiency and ability to multitask helped you complete an assignment a week before the deadline. Be honest: If you truly can’t work when your desk is piled up with documents, be upfront. But do try to be cautious about any overly firm statements about your work environment needs. If you’re still not sure how to frame your response, consider focusing on one of these areas:
Speed and accuracy: If you work quickly and efficiently, you might mention this in your answer, especially if the job requires meeting tight deadlines. However, it’s important to impress the interviewer with your competency and accuracy, rather than just your speed. If you say you work at a fast and steady pace, emphasize the strategies you use to avoid making mistakes. Structuring your day: You may want to focus on how you organize your day. Do you prefer to do your most difficult tasks in the morning? Do you prefer to focus on one assignment at a time, or multitask? You might also mention how many hours you typically work. If you are someone who always goes above and beyond, and stays late to complete tasks, say so. Working alone or in collaboration: The employer might want to know whether you prefer to work solo or collaboratively. Think carefully about the job before answering this question. Most jobs require at least some collaboration, so even if you prefer to work alone, emphasize that you value others’ input. Taking direction: Another important element of your work style is how you like to communicate with your boss. Do you prefer to be guided, or do you like to be given a task and left alone to complete it? Thinking about your ideal relationship with your employer will help both you and the interviewer decide whether you are a good fit for the job. Your communication style: If this job requires constant communication, you might want to emphasize how you communicate with employers, staff, and clients throughout the workday. Do you prefer to communicate by email, phone conversations, or face-to-face meetings? Again, think about what this job requires before you answer. Most jobs will require a combination of communication tactics.
What Not To Say
Give overly specific, rigid responses: Unless you can very precisely nail down both the company and the interviewer’s preferred work style, it’s best not to be too definitive. If you say, “I work best alone” and the manager wants a team player, you’ll have automatically disqualified yourself. Use clichés: During interviews, everyone is a hard worker, detail-oriented, and a team player. It’s fine to claim these traits for yourself, but since these words and phrases are uttered so frequently, back them up with examples if you use them. Be dishonest or fail to answer the questions: While you do not want to be too specific and make yourself seem rigid, it’s also unwise to be so vague in your response that the interviewer doesn’t get a sense of you as an employee. We all have preferences when it comes to our workplace. This is your moment to share yours. If you truly dislike morning meetings, or have some other quirk, it may be worth mentioning it in your response.
Possible Follow-Up Questions
Describe the pace at which you work. Best Answers Do you enjoy working in a fast-paced environment? - Best Answers Do you take work home with you? Best Answers Tell me about your work ethic. - Best Answers What type of work environment do you prefer? - Best Answers