Let’s take a look at how to be prepared for this question and the best ways to answer it.

What the Interviewer Wants to Know

It’s important to be clear why you’re a good candidate for the position when you respond. The interviewer wants to know specifics about your personality, goals, and qualifications, and you should be prepared to avoid generic answers. The interviewer will ask this question to ensure that you understand the job you’re seeking. They need to see that you comprehend the key requirements, as well as the skills needed to excel, and how your experience matches up with the responsibilities of the job. Basically, an interviewer is looking to see that your understanding of the role matches what the company is looking for.

How to Answer “What Interests You About This Job?”

The best way to answer this important question is to do your research on the position and provide details on how you’re the right fit.

Learn Everything You Can About the Job

To help prepare for the interview, carefully read the job posting, noting the stated requirements regarding skills and experience. You can also see whether there is additional information about the position you’re applying for on the company website. You can also do an online search for the job title to get some general information. 

Think About How You’ll Benefit the Company

Before your interview, make a list of your skills and experiences that match the stated requirements. Think about specific examples of how you successfully applied these skills to other positions and how to match your qualifications to this job. When answering general questions about the role, don’t talk about how you would benefit from being hired. For example, answers like “I want a job that will help me build my career” make you seem more focused on yourself rather than how your background benefits the company. You also want to avoid giving answers that emphasize the job’s perks, like health insurance or free lunches, or making it seem like the real appeal is employment and a paycheck.  Be enthusiastic in your response. This is an opportunity to talk about what you find appealing about the position, and you should seem positive and eager to take on the role in your response. You should emphasize that you’re qualified for and passionate about the job. As much as possible, make it clear how hiring you will benefit the company in terms of the role itself, the service or product, and the organizational mission.

Examples of the Best Answers

Be sure to customize these answers to fit your experience and the job you’re applying for.  Why It Works: This answer cites specifics from the job posting. The applicant includes them in their explanation of interest in the job and how the role fits their experience. Why It Works: This answer recognizes that learning new technologies will be required, along with creative problem-solving. The applicant cites experience in doing both, along with an interest in both job skills. Why It Works: The applicant recognizes the school’s mission and suggests a technique developed at a previous job to help achieve the mission.

Tips for Giving the Best Answer to “Why Are You Interested in This Job?”

While there’s no perfect answer that fits every job and every situation, the following tips can help you give an answer that will impress your interviewer:

Research the company. Find out all you can about the company before your interview. Check the company’s job listing. Look for similar job postings on online job sites. Make a list of your skills and qualifications. Try to match your job skills and experiences to the company’s stated requirements and the requirements of similar roles elsewhere. Know the company mission statement. Being aware of the company mission statement when developing your answer can help you be more specific. Be positive. Be enthusiastic and eager in your responses to show that you’re a team player.

What Not to Say

When an interviewer asks why you’re interested in the job, be sure to avoid making these mistakes:

Don’t give canned, generic answers. Don’t say things like, “I’ve heard this is such a good place to work.” This doesn’t give the interviewer any information about you and your interest in the position.Don’t talk about how you would benefit. Don’t say things like how the job would be a resume builder for you. It makes it seem like the job might just be a stepping stone for you.Don’t focus on the perks. Don’t talk about sick or vacation days, health insurance, or any other job perks on the first interview. This might give the interviewer the wrong idea about why you’re there.

Preparing for Possible Follow-Up Questions

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