Benefits of Finding Jobs at Company Websites

If you find positions that catch your eye through large job search websites like Monster, make a list of those jobs and then go to the companies’ websites and apply through them instead. The benefit is that you’ll be competing against a smaller pool of applicants, which will naturally decrease the competition for your dream job. Also, you will be delivering your credentials to employers in their preferred format, as opposed to the one utilized by an external job site. Some organizations also provide more detailed information about job openings on their website, compared to the descriptions on job listing sites.

There are several ways to find company websites:

Use Google: If you have a particular company in mind, the simplest way to retrieve their jobs is to do a Google search of the company name along with the keywords “jobs” or “careers.” Search for company profiles on LinkedIn: Most organizations have established a presence on LinkedIn that includes a company profile. Insert the names of target companies into the search window on LinkedIn and then follow the link to jobs on the profiles. You can follow the company, so you’re sure to see the latest listings. Don’t forget to notice if any of your LinkedIn contacts are working at that organization. Consider reaching out to your contacts in advance or concurrent with your direct application on the company website. Inform them of your interest and ask for assistance or perspective. It is usually most effective to copy your contacts in with your application materials so they can see how you are representing your case. Check On you can browse an extensive list of companies listed on the National Labor Exchange, and search for jobs posted on company websites and state job boards. Use Getwork: Job site Getwork searches just for jobs on company websites. Leverage job aggregators: Sites such as Indeed search the web constantly for job postings. Check it regularly to see if the business you’re interested in is listed.

Jobs are typically listed in the Careers section of the employer’s website, though they could also fall under the Human Resources or About Us sections, or at the bottom of the page in a link to More Information. Just about every company has detailed employment information online, including job openings, an employment application, company locations, benefits, and how to apply online. You may be able to sign up for job alerts to notify you of the latest openings as soon as they are posted. Also, review the press section of the organization’s website for press releases and reports on developments at the organizations. Look for specific reasons why the employers’ priorities, strategic plans, and goals align with your interests and assets. You can use this information to your advantage in your application and during your job interview.

Find More Company Information

Don’t stop at just reading the company’s website. Use resources like Glassdoor, Vault, and LinkedIn that provide company information to research the business further, and to find connections who can help you get hired.

What a Posting Reveals

A company’s career section provides a window into their corporate world and the image they present. It’s up to you to read between the lines. Are the postings easily accessible, clear, professional, and well-written? Are there a large number of openings or many openings concentrated in one area? It could indicate a company poised for growth, or one that’s experiencing high turnover and therefore needs a constant supply of applicants.

No Job Listings?

Not all employers list job openings online, but their website can still be a tool to learn a wealth of information about the company that you can use to further your search and leverage in your application and an interview. Get a sense of how they present their business online. Is their site rich with information or simply a sales tool? Is it well-constructed or disorganized? The company’s online presence can shine a light on the business as a whole.