Most retailers have sales periodically, but some sales are predictable. For example, summer clothes tend to go on sale by August to make room for fall items. Black Friday through Cyber Monday tends to be a good time to buy electronics.

Install a smart thermostat and set it to run less when no one is homeTurn off lights when they aren’t in useWash your laundry in cold waterTurn down the temperature on your hot water heaterOnly buy ​Energy Star appliances

Start looking around, and you’ll find many ways to reduce your energy consumption and energy bills. One option for ensuring your bills are paid on time is using autopay. If your budget is too tight for autopay, consider using calendar reminders to prompt you to pay your bills. If you have access to bill pay through your bank, consider setting it up to make paying bills faster and easier. If home cooking isn’t your thing, consider learning. Try one or two simple recipes per week to build up your skills and confidence.