Learn more about public speaking, why it’s important, and how to improve your public speaking skills.

What Is Public Speaking?

Public speaking is a soft skill that requires excellent communication skills, enthusiasm, and the ability to engage with an audience. Soft skills are interpersonal skills that are less technical and more about how you interact with others. Public speakers make presentations to a group. Presentations could range from speaking to a small number of employees to presenting to a large audience at a national conference or event. The same skill set and ability to be comfortable speaking in public are required regardless of the size of the group.

Why Employers Value Public Speaking Skills

The art of public speaking comes into play in many places. It’s important not only in the delivery of speeches and public talks, but also in professional presentations, training events, and motivational speaking. Consultants, training, managers, clergy, sales representatives, and teachers, for example, all have a reason at times to speak in front of others. A lackluster speaker can make a solid product or proposal seem less than enticing, while a polished speaker can add allure to an otherwise mediocre proposition.  Most professional-level roles require some amount of public speaking. It’s often necessary to carry out functions like presenting findings, pitching proposals, training staff, and leading meetings.

Top Public Speaking Skills

When you want to highlight your public speaking skills in your cover letter or resume, or during an interview, be sure to go beyond stating that you have “public speaking skills.” Go into detail about which aspects of public speaking you are good at, and provide specific examples of your skills and expertise. Some of the most important skills for successful public speaking include the following.

Clear Articulation

Of course, public speakers must be able to speak well. That includes enunciating, speaking loudly enough, and using proper grammar without a lot of verbal crutches such as “um.” It helps to be able to talk well in ordinary conversation, but public speaking is a kind of performance and, as such, requires practice and preparation. Memorization is not usually necessary, because many people are able to speak in an unscripted way to some degree. However, you must be familiar enough with your material that you don’t pause excessively, repeat yourself, or stumble over your words. You also need to be able to pace yourself so that you finish on time rather than early or late.

Engaging Presentation Style

Presentation style includes vocal tone, body language, facial expression, and timing. The right style can make a talk that could have been boring become exciting and engaging.

Assessing the Needs of the Audience

Some audiences want a lot of technical detail; others don’t. Some will enjoy humor; others won’t. There are jokes that work in some crowds but not others. To draft a successful talk and to adopt the appropriate presentation style, you need to be able to assess the needs of your audience.

PowerPoint Skills

PowerPoint is a popular software used for creating slides. Not all public speakers use them, but slides are so common that doing without them is sometimes called “speaking naked.” It’s not only important to understand the technical aspects of using the software, it also helps if you have the artistic ability to create slides that are aesthetically pleasing and easy to understand—or, you should work with a collaborator who can do so. Either way, you must know how to integrate your slides smoothly into the other aspects of your presentations.

Composition Skills

Whether you prepare your talk ahead of time or just go with the flow, you must be able to construct talks that are rational, coherent, and easy to understand, and that cover all the points you want to hit. Storytelling and humor help, and you must know how to use them. Public speaking is not only a form of performance art; it also requires writing skills.

Other Public Speaking Skills

The skills mentioned above aren’t the only ones that are important to public speaking. The following skills and tips can make you an even more effective public speaker:

Controlling performance anxietyDrafting an evaluation form that attendees are likely to completeGrabbing the attention of the audience with a powerful openingHanding out copies of slides in advance to minimize note-taking demands on the audienceMaintaining eye contact with the audience and providing an energetic, animated physical presenceMemorizing enough content so that the speech does not come off as a reading of notesModulating vocal tone to emphasize important points and avoid monotonous presentationOrganizing a logical flow to a speechPreparing examples that are relevant to the experience of the expected audienceProviding compelling evidence to support themesRehearsing the presentation and revising rough spotsResearching information about the latest trends in an industry before presenting at a professional seminarRestating critical points at the end of a speech to cement key conceptsReviewing feedback and modifying the approach for talks in the futureSummarizing the topics to be covered at the beginning of a lecture to provide context for attendees

How to Showcase Your Skills

Public speaking is a skill in itself, but it is also a collection of skills. Lists like this can help you name some of these skills so you can identify which jobs require the abilities you have. 

Mention Skills in Your Resume and Cover Letter

When you apply, you can use these skills as keywords on your resume or other application materials. Hiring managers sometimes scan through applications looking for these keywords to make an initial cut, so it’s important to make it clear from the beginning that you have the sought-after qualifications. Then, use your cover letter to highlight some of your most relevant skills.

Share Your Skills During a Job Interview

Be prepared to give examples of specific times when you embodied these skills, because your interviewer is likely to ask. If you’ve made public presentations or internal company presentations, share the details with the interviewer.

How to Improve Your Public Speaking Skills

Whether you feel like a public-speaking expert or you’re new to it, there are always ways you can improve. You can brush up on your public speaking skills with these tips:

Take a public speaking class or workshop. Practice in front of the mirror. Practice in front of friends, family, or colleagues; then, ask for feedback. Record yourself giving a presentation, watch the video, and take notes. Watch videos of accomplished public speakers you admire.