it can be hard to articulate where you would like to be in your career next year, let alone five years (or longer) down the road. But even when you do know, it’s important to be careful how you respond because you’ll need to tailor your answer to the job for which you are interviewing.

What the Interviewer Wants to Know

This popular interview question helps interviewers and hiring managers get a sense of how your career goals align with the company’s goals. It also helps them gauge whether you’re likely to have a long tenure at their company or if you’ll probably leave after just a few months or a year on the job.

How to Answer “Where Do You See Yourself in Five Years?”

Questions about your future plans can be tricky to answer—you need to be honest in your response, but also keep it relevant to the job and industry. For example, don’t share your five-year goal to publish a novel if you’re interviewing for an accountant position. However, it is important have a solid answer. Responding poorly or being vague in your response could make interviewers believe that you’re not invested in your career, aren’t a good fit for the company, or are covering something up. Here are tips for responding to questions about the next stage of your career, while affirming your interest in the role you are being interviewed for.

Examples of the Best Answers

Review these options for giving the best answers for questions about the future, along with examples you can tailor to fit your own circumstances.

Outline a Career Path

In order to prepare well for this question, research a reasonable career path that will flow from the position for which you are applying. How long does one ordinarily spend in that job? What are the next steps within five years? Some employers will clearly outline pathways in the career section of their website. However, you may need to approach professionals in the field through alumni, family, friends, or professional associations to gain an accurate picture. For example, if you’re a registered nurse applying for a clinical nursing position at a hospital, and your goal is to someday move into management, you should research the organization to see whether nurses typically work their way into nurse manager roles. Start by looking for nurse manager openings on the company’s careers site, to confirm that the company is actively hiring. Then look at LinkedIn profiles of nurse managers currently working at the hospital. If this is a likely career path, your research should show that employees typically make that move.

Discuss Your Interest in This Job

It’s often advantageous to emphasize your interest in thoroughly mastering the initial position before moving on. If it seems like you are rushing past that first job, employers might question how motivated you are to carry out those duties. After all, the hiring manager will probably want someone who’ll be happy and competent in that role for at least a year or two. Integrating a clear rationale into your answer about how your interests and skills equip you to do the role can help to alleviate any concerns about how long you’ll want to stay in the job.

When There is No Clear Career Path

Not all jobs are stepping stones to higher positions. For example, with positions such as counseling, sales, event planning, teaching, and computer programming, it’s perfectly appropriate to emphasize mastery of that job as your five-year goal. Think about components of the job in which you can excel. For example, when interviewing for a sales job, you could say: An answer like that shows that your desire for career growth doesn’t need to occur outside of job and the company.

State Your Goals as Results

Stating your goals in terms of results that you would like to produce is another angle for responding. For example, a prospective teacher for a district that is trying to upgrade performance on standardized tests might say: Of course, with an answer like this, you’ll need to be able to share some examples of how you would achieve this.

Moving Up the Career Ladder

There are a few jobs where you’re expected to move on after a couple of years, including some analyst positions in investment banking and consulting, and legal and scientific research assistant positions (for new college grads). In these cases, you’ll have more leeway in your answers, but you still want to establish how the job at hand makes sense given the skills and interests you can bring to the employer.

Possible Follow-Up Questions

How long do you plan on working here? - Best Answers What are you looking for in your next job? What is important to you? - Best Answers What are your goals for the next five years/ten years? - Best Answers How do you plan to achieve those goals? - Best Answers Questions about your career goals. - Best Answers

More Job Interview Questions and Answers

Your interviewer will ask a number of questions, and you’ll have an easier time and be more comfortable and confident if you prepare and practice. Take a look at these interview questions and answers and practice answering them. If you can, find a friend or family member who can pose as an interviewer and ask you these questions.