But there’s a catch. Gift cards are easy to lose or forget about long enough that they can begin to lose value, and some may even expire. One survey found that, in 2018, while 70% of all gift cards are redeemed within 180 days of purchase, about three in 10 go unused. In total, an estimated $3.5 billion in gift cards goes unredeemed each year, according to recent data from Mercator Advisory Group, Inc. So how can you be sure that the gift cards you give or receive don’t go unused or expire? Learn what the federal government and state rules say about gift card inactivity fees and expiration, and then get some tips on how to squeeze the most value out of gift cards. 

How Long Do Gift Cards Last?

Gift cards last at least five years from their issue date, thanks the Credit Card Accountability Responsibility and Disclosure (Credit CARD), better known as the 2009 CARD Act. And in some states, you may actually have longer than that, or expiration may not be permitted at all. As part of the law, the ruling on gift cards states that retailers can’t deactivate a card that’s less than five years old, and there are limitations on how inactivity fees may be applied. What that means to you as a gift card user is that if a business tries to say that a card is expired because it’s a couple of years old, you have some recourse to push back.

Unused Gift Cards Can Lose Value

Even though it’s illegal for cards to expire for five years (at least), they can start to lose some of their value before then. That’s because in certain circumstances, and depending on the state, businesses may be allowed to impose a fee for inactivity after a certain period of time.  To do so, however, three conditions must be met, as per the CARD Act:

Fees can only be charged if there has been no card activity in the year prior. Only one fee per month can be charged. The business must disclose if they charge any fees at the time of the sale.

Beyond the federal ruling, however, some states set their own parameters around gift card expiration and fees. California, for example, has one of the stronger gift card protections, making it unlawful to sell a gift card that has an expiration date or charges a service fee. Likewise, in Florida, a gift card that is purchased can’t expire or have a fee, but an exception is made if the gift card is donated by the business. Then, if that information is disclosed, it can have an expiration date that’s at least three years after the issue date as long as it’s disclosed. As for products like Visa, Mastercard, or American Express gift cards that can be used anywhere, none of them charge fees (beyond the initial purchase fee).

How To Get the Most Out of Gift Cards

The easiest way to avoid any confusion over expiration dates or fees is to ensure that your gift card is used in a timely manner. 

When You Get a Give a Gift Card

When You Give a Gift Card

Make sure you know what the person likes. If you give a gift card for a store or service that your recipient just isn’t interested in or can’t use, it’s likely to go unused. When it doubt, go with a retailer that has a variety of items, like Target. Get them something they can conveniently use. While theme park gift cards or museum memberships can be a big hit, if your recipient lives far from the location, they may not ever use it. Likewise, try not to give gift cards that would require the giftee to spend beyond their budget. For example, a $25 card to an upscale restaurant or designer handbag store isn’t going to go very far. Consider an e-gift card. Especially for digitally native types, sending a gift card right to someone’s email or text for easy loading lets them connect the funds to their digital wallets and apps. 

The Bottom Line

Gift cards are a convenient and popular gift to give and receive. This can be especially true for people who are difficult to shop for, and choosing a carefully selected gift card shows that you’ve put some thought into the gift versus handing over a wad of cash. The key is to find something that you know your recipient will use quickly, before they lose track of it, fees kick in, or an expiration date comes around. And if you’re lucky enough to be on the receiving end of a gift card, be proactive about redeeming it.