The employee is hired by the employer after an application and interview process results in their selection as an employee. This selection occurs after the applicant is found by the employer to be the most qualified of their applicants to do the job for which they are hiring. The terms of an individual’s employment are specified by an offer letter, an employment contract, or verbally. In a non-union workplace, every employee negotiates on their own; the terms of employment are not universal between all positions. Many prospective employees do not negotiate at all by choosing to accept the offer that the employer makes to them. Others ask for between $5,000 and $10,000 more to see if they can start the job with a higher salary. Since raises are subsequently based on the pay rate negotiated, it behooves a new employee to negotiate the best possible deal. In workplaces that are represented by a union, the collective bargaining agreement covers most aspects of an employee’s relationship with the workplace including compensation, benefits, hours of employment, sick time off, and vacation. The contract also protects the rights of the unionized employee and gives the employee options for grieving workplace treatment. The existence of the contract takes away the employee’s individual right to negotiate his salary. An employee works part-time, full-time, or is temporary in a job assignment. An employee barters their skills, knowledge, experience, and contribution in exchange for compensation from an employer. An employee is either exempt from overtime or not exempt from overtime; the rules about paying an employee are governed by the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA). An exempt employee is paid for accomplishing a full job in as many hours as necessary to accomplish it. Employers must pay the non-exempt employee for every hour worked as they are paid by the hour. When an employee is classified as a non-exempt employee, the employer must set up a time tracking system to ensure that the employee is legally paid for every hour worked and for overtime pay. Overtime pay typically kicks in after 40 hours in a single week, and it’s worth one-and-a-half times standard pay. Some states have laws that mandate overtime pay when an employee works more than eight hours per day (some states have higher thresholds or no thresholds).

Requirements for an Employee

Each employee has a specific job to accomplish that is often defined by a job description. In responsible organizations, a performance development planning process defines the work of the employee and the organization’s expectation’s for the employee’s performance. It should also help employees set goals and track their performance. Additionally, the performance management system should help employees develop their ongoing skills and adopt a career path. An employee works within a functional area or department such as marketing or human resources. An employee has a boss, the person they report to and take direction from—usually a manager or supervisor. An employee should have the expectation that they will receive reasonable, professional treatment from the manager. An employee also has coworkers who work with them to accomplish the work of the department. The employee has a workstation or an office in which they accomplish the job. The employer supplies the employee with the tools and equipment necessary to perform work such as a computer, telephone, cell phone, laptop, desk, and supplies. In forward-thinking organizations, the employee receives frequent performance feedback from the manager, rewards and recognition, and a reasonable benefits package.

Employee vs. Contractor


Behavior refers to the type of instructions given to workers, the degree of instruction, any evaluation systems for workers, and the training offered to workers. The more detailed and controlled instructions, evaluation, and training become, the more likely it is that a worker is an employee.


Financial factors typically refer to who has the biggest financial stake in the operation. Who has invested the most in the tools and expenses required to complete the task? Who stands to profit or lose the most? The more these responsibilities fall on the business, the more likely it is that a worker is an employee.


Employees typically receive benefits and have a relatively permanent relationship performing key tasks for employers. Businesses don’t offer benefits to contractors as often. The business’s relationship with a contractor usually comes with a pre-determined ending date, such as the end of a project. The services a contractor provides for a business shouldn’t constitute a “key aspect” of business operations.