Examples of cheap money include:

A car loan at 1.9% interestA credit card offering a 0% introductory APR for 18 monthsA 30-year fixed mortgage at 2.935%

How Cheap Money Works

Cheap money often becomes available when the Federal Reserve lowers interest rates, which it typically does to stimulate the economy. Lower interest rates encourage consumers to seek loans to buy big-ticket items, such as cars and homes. It also prompts businesses to borrow money to expand factories, buy heavy equipment and hire staff—all of which have a positive impact on economic growth. “If interest rates are low and I buy a house, it’s good for the economy,” Matthews said. Cheap money makes it so “people can buy stuff and take advantage of the low interest rates,” he adds. The downside of cheap money is that it puts additional money into circulation. That drives prices up, which creates inflation. The higher prices go, the higher the accompanying inflation. When the economy is booming, the Federal Reserve will often raise interest rates to slow the rate of inflation. When rates are low, however, car loans and mortgages are considered cheap money. For instance, refinancing your current mortgage at a lower interest rate would be a simple way to take advantage of cheap money.In addition, if you get a credit card that offers a 0% introductory interest rate for the first 12 months, that’s also a form of cheap money. However, keep in mind that after the low introductory rate expires, credit card companies often hike interest rates substantially. Some issuers may charge as much as 25% or more, depending on your payment and credit history. That’s when cheap money becomes what’s considered “expensive money,” which is loaned at much higher interest rates. While cheap money is generally good for borrowers, it isn’t so beneficial to savers because it reduces interest rates on savings accounts, including high-yield savings accounts (HYSA), where you might keep an emergency fund, for example. “As most of us saw when rates were cut, if you’re putting money in a savings account, and you used to earn 2% or 3% interest, and suddenly interest is less than 1%, you’re forced to do something else with your money because the interest rate you’re getting is not keeping up with inflation,” Matthews said.