That said, you should make every effort to find a contact name to use in your letter. You also have other options. Find out more about alternatives and when it’s appropriate to start your letter with this greeting.

Options for Starting a Letter

“To Whom It May Concern” is an outdated letter greeting. It is still sometimes used, but nowadays, there are other, better options for starting a letter.  One simple approach is to not include any salutation. In that case, simply begin your email or letter with the first paragraph or with “Re: Topic You’re Writing About,” followed by the rest of the letter or message. If you do choose to use “To Whom It May Concern” when you’re applying for jobs, it shouldn’t impact your application. A Resume Companion survey reports that 83% of hiring managers said that seeing it would have little or no impact on their hiring decisions. Here is when and how to use “To Whom It May Concern,” as well as examples of alternative salutations to use when writing letters.

When To Use “To Whom It May Concern”

Here is when and how to use “To Whom It May Concern” along with examples of alternative salutations to use when writing letters.

Look for a Contact Person

Ideally, you will try to ascertain the name of the specific person to whom you are writing. For example, if you are writing a cover letter for a job application and do not know the name of the employer or hiring manager, do your best to find out. If you’re writing a business letter, it will more likely be read if you address it to a specific person at the company. You’ll also have a person to follow up with if you don’t get a response from your first inquiry. Taking a few minutes to try to locate a contact is worth the time. 

Check the Job Listing

There are several ways to discover the name of the person you are contacting. If you are applying for a job, the name of the employer or hiring manager may be on the job listing. However, that is not always the case. Many employers don’t list a contact person because they may not want direct inquiries from job seekers.

Check the Company Website

You can look on the company website for the name of the person in the position you are trying to contact. You can often find this in the “About Us,” “Staff,” or “Contact Us” sections. If you cannot find the name on the website, try to find the right person on LinkedIn, or ask a friend or colleague if he or she knows the person’s name.

Ask the Employer

Another option is to call the office and ask the administrative assistant for advice. For example, you might explain that you are applying for a job and would like to know the name of the hiring manager. If you take all of these steps and still do not know the name of the person you are contacting, you can use “To Whom It May Concern” or an alternative generic greeting.

How To Use “To Whom It May Concern”

When should you use the term? It can be used at the beginning of a letter, email, or other form of communication when you are unsure of who will be reading it. This might happen at many points in your job search. For example, you might be sending a cover letter, letter of recommendation, or other job search materials to someone whose name you do not know. It is also appropriate to use “To Whom It May Concern” when you are sending an inquiry (also known as a prospecting letter or letter of interest) but don’t have the details of a contact person.

Capitalization and Spacing

When addressing a letter with “To Whom It May Concern,” the first letter of each word is typically capitalized, and the phrase is followed by a colon: Skip the next line, and then start the first paragraph of the letter.

Alternative Greetings To Use

“To Whom It May Concern” is considered outdated, especially when writing cover letters for jobs. “Dear Sir or Madam” is another salutation that was commonly used in the past, but it too may come across as old-fashioned. It’s also non-inclusive. There are better alternatives you can use for letter salutations when you are writing a letter and don’t have a named person to write to. Here are some options:

GreetingsHelloDear Hiring CommitteeDear Hiring ManagerDear Hiring TeamDear HR ManagerDear Human Resources RepresentativeDear Human Resources TeamDear [Department] NameDear [Department] ManagerDear [Department] TeamDear Personnel ManagerDear Search CommitteeDear RecruiterDear Recruiting ManagerDear Recruiting TeamDear Talent Acquisition TeamDear Customer Service ManagerRe: (Topic of Letter)

You can also write a greeting that is still general but focuses on the group of people you are reaching out to. For example, if you are contacting people in your network for help with your job search, you might use the greeting “Dear Friends and Family.”

When To Leave Off the Salutation

Another option for starting your letter is to leave off the salutation entirely. If you decide not to include a greeting, begin with the first paragraph of your letter or email message.