You may be wondering: Why would I want to spend money that I don’t need to spend to hire a lawyer when I’m already working with an agent? Some buyers want the legal protections and advice that only a qualified and competent real estate lawyer can provide.

Hiring a Lawyer vs. an Agent to Buy a House

Lawyers may say that you should hire a lawyer rather than a real estate agent, because a lawyer can provide both services. The trouble with that idea is that few lawyers professionally sell real estate. Lawyers might not know the specific neighborhoods, how to prepare a comparative market analysis, how to draw up a real estate contract, or anything about the listing agent—nor the profession of real estate. They also may not know how to spot home defects, negotiate for repairs, or perform any of the other dozens of tasks an experienced buyer’s agent is accustomed to doing on a daily basis. On the other hand, real estate agents are not licensed to provide legal advice. That means they cannot answer a legal question, even if they know the answer, without breaking the law.

Many real estate clients cannot differentiate between a legal question and a real estate question. If it pertains to real estate, many buyers don’t see it as a legal question. For example, if their real estate agent tells them they can’t give legal advice, they may nod their heads in understanding—and then say, “OK, I won’t ask you a legal question, but how do you think I should hold title?” That is, in fact, a legal question. Now, if a buyer wants to know how many square feet are in an acre, an agent can answer that question with no problem. But if a buyer wants to know the ramifications of a shared driveway easement, that is a legal question. You may be wondering: What good is a real estate agent if they can’t answer any legal questions about real estate? It can be quite frustrating for a buyer. Here’s another example of a legal question that sounds like a real estate question: The buyer asks whether they can cancel this purchase contract and get their deposit back. An experienced agent might point to the paragraph in the purchase contract pertaining to the return of earnest money deposit, and they might disclose what usually happens with regard to their experience. However, a real estate agent can’t advise a buyer to sue the seller nor guarantee that the deposit will be returned.

The Bottom Line: a Lawyer vs. Agent

Remember this: It is not that the buyer’s agent does not want to help, it’s that they can’t give legal advice. If they were to violate the law and express a legal opinion, a buyer could not rely on it anyway. While lawyers typically charge a few hundred dollars per hour, a brief consultation with a lawyer is generally the way to go. It’s much better for a buyer to obtain true legal advice than to try to squeeze it out of their agent just because they don’t want to pay a lawyer. So, there you have it: Use a real estate agent for real estate advice and a lawyer for legal advice.